Monday, February 18, 2013

To DO List ant Time managment priority

To Do Lists, Time Management?!

What in your most important thing to do list today?

To do list image
Picture of daily to do list time management
A professor gave a lesson on time management. Making to do lists
In this lesson were small rocks, medium rocks, large rocks, sand and water.
He Had a vessels / jar.. Or he called it his to do list for time management.

To do lists are always too full?

The professor speaking on making to do list started putting large rocks into the Jar till it couldn't handle any more.  "Is the jar full?"  Students replied yes.

Then he took the medium rocks filled them to the top.  "Is the jar/ to do list full?"  Students replied yes.
Then he took the small rocks and filled it to the top.  "is the jar/to do list full?"  Students replied yes.
Then he took the sand filling space between rocks and asked:  Is the jar/to do list full?"  Students hands shot up and replied yes!
Then he took a pitcher of water filling the jar to the top. "is the jar/ to do list full?"  Students said yes.
He replied with a question about to do lists.  "Whats the lesson from here?"
A student shot up his hand saying.... "there's always more room in to do lists to be more productive!"  The professor said "no."
If I did not put in the large rocks first they would not have fit at all.

To Do list Time management lesson:!

In your to do lists and time management.  Always accomplish your most important to do list things first.  Take care of small tasks later.  (Remember devil is in the details)

Thanks for reading!
Related info: Here

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ski boots, and a Tux White tie affair

Ever been to a wedding on a Ski Run?  Ever gone to church in your snow board gear and boots? If you've seen the gamete of high fashion at 100-- $50,000 plate and a Hat Party Mountain chic for First Descents in the ballroom like such fund raisers at Beaver Creek.  All the way to people in a pub afterwards.  If you've lived in a house with more square feet than a warehouse as your fifth home.... then you've seen Rocky Mountain Chic. 

There are some funny things we see at ski resorts like a person loosing a Louise Vaton bag off a chair lift along with diamond necklaces that we find come spring in Vail, CO.  (Comes with a nice reward for returning them!) 

One learns to live contentedly camping or rub elbows with society's elite....